29th March 2016
As researchers we’re encouraged by the news from PwC’s research and evidence 2016 market sector review; not only does the research (which is commissioned by the Market Research Society; MRS) show the market has grown by almost £2 billion, the number of full time employees has increased to almost 14,000 since 2012.
The Business of Evidence 2016 highlights research and analytics as a key influencer; 71% agreeing that research is an import catalyst for change and 69% agreeing that research is a vehicle that gives people a voice.
The report highlights the rapid expansion of data analytics (350% growth since 2012), but also points to a simultaneous growth in qualitative research being used to interrogate the findings. The focus on the future also highlights the scope for future growth, with research involving wearables and neuroscience identified as emerging methods. This will ensure the research sector evolves to keep pace with technological change and embraces opportunities to optimise research methodologies to further grow the sector. We’re certainly embracing eye-tracking as a methodology in line with this trend!